

For our first project in photoshop, we had to take an original image of ours, make it black & white, and then recolor it based on a palette. This is my original image:  Next, are my respective palettes followed by the recolored images.  Complementary:  Analogous:   Monochromatic: 


 In illustrator, we had to choose an image of ourselves and then recreate it completely using words by vectorizing the shapes of the letters and making the colors.  My original image:  Final Project: 


     For our final project in Adobe Illustrator, we had to create a poster using Illustrator's tracing tools. We had to choose a palette and limit ourselves to using five colors (with the exception of white and black). Our image and palette were supposed to be the most efficient choices to convey our message.  I did my makeup and hair, went outside, and took photos of myself. Before I even started the project I had a message in mind and I knew exactly what I wanted to do to convey it. Here is the original photo in color and black and white:  I may or may not have bought duct tape just for this project... Next was to put the image in illustrator and start image tracing! After some cleaning up, testing the tools, and adding some extra touches of my own, we ended up with our base image:  Next was the palette and the message for the poster.  For my palette, I chose a triad color scheme.  For my message, I wanted to choose something powerful and impact...


 For our logo project, these were the five words I chose to describe myself:  Jamaican Musical Caring Insightful Charismatic When told to choose one descriptive word to base my logo on, I decided to go with Jamaican. Here are the sketches I did and the mood board I used!  After some debate, I decided to go with my first sketch and create something that represented me physically and ethnically.  This was my final logo design:  Next, I applied it to some business cards:  And finally, I got to test it on some 3D shapes:  Extra :  Originally, I thought I had to make two logos.  My second choice would've been this logo for "musical": 


     After some contemplation, I've finally figured out what I wanted to recreate in Dreamweaver for my final canvas assignment. I love this image because of the colors and the depiction of the scenery; as soon as I saw it, I knew that I had to recreate it. I have a little over a week to finish and complete this so here's to hoping I can get it done! :)     After a lot of struggle and determination, I fought through my struggle of code and finished my project! 

ASCII Text Art Photo

  Today, I converted a selfie of mine to ASCII Text Art! :) 
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah Sam and I'm a Film & Media Arts major. As you can tell from the photo on my blog, I love singing and performance as well! I'm excited to learn new things and further my learning and talents in my next four years of college. :)